Actual RAR Repair is a repair tool for archived files like RAR and SFX. Archived files can be damaged for many reasons. A bug or a virus can infect your archived file or it can be damaged while downloading. This repair tool can recover as much data as possible from all these damaged archived files. It uses a very effective algorithm for recovering data and repairing archived files. It has a very user-friendly interface with drag and drop facility enabled. It works with all versions of RAR and SFX archived files. It can be used to repair files from any media location like CD-ROM and floppy disk or from the local system disk drive.
Actual RAR Repair works in fully automatic mode. You just have to select the archived file or you can also drag and drop the file in its file menu and it will scan the file thoroughly for the possible errors and will recover all data which hasn’t been damaged. It is designed to handle multi-volume and solid RAR files. It can also fix and recover data from larger archived files which are more than 4GB in size. It can easily fix some errors like CRC check failure and unexpected end of file.